Travel Theme: FLOW


When I go hiking, I often come across flowing rivers and creeks, rapids and waterfalls. They come in different sizes and flow with different intensity. When I am selecting my photos for Ailsa’s Where is My Backpack Travel Challenge: Flow, I try to associate the the flow with the sounds that I can remember. Here are a few more:




11 thoughts on “Travel Theme: FLOW

    1. Opalla Post author

      Thanks, Cindy! I use a point and shoot , and sometimes even my iPhone. They work fine for me, bcause I usually take photos during my walks or hikes, and people don’t wait.

      1. cindybruchman

        That’s what I’m used to. I found some money I wasn’t expecting and decided to splurge for my 50th Birthday present to myself. Last time I bought a nice camera, it was in 1983….

      2. Opalla Post author

        This is good, Cindy. My husband uses a much better camera, and the effects are very different. I am sure you’ll like your new camera.

  1. Pingback: Travel Theme: Flow | a hectic life

    1. Opalla Post author

      It is convenient, Amy, but sometimes I wish I had time to compose a better image, but that may mean going out with just one or two people who don’t mind waiting.

  2. Pingback: Travel Theme: Flow | unexpectedincommonhours

  3. Pingback: Travel Theme: Flow | Four Deer Oak

  4. greenmackenzie

    Oh Opalla these are lovely shots for the theme flow, and I can relate so much to what you say about walking and taking photos with other people! Not even my family will wait, so I have learned to run after I have stopped to take a shot, or else to walk by myself, with the dogs….they are more than happy to spend some time sniffing around as I take time to compose a shot!

    1. Opalla Post author

      Thanks for the sharing, Sionaid! I love the photos you have taken on your walks, in a rush as you are. Great to have someone sharing my sentiments.


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